Hilltop Homes – Siding Options That Will Help Protect Your Home

Living on a hilltop can be a luxury for those who enjoy watching the sun set and rise each day. Unfortunately, hilltop houses can require some extra maintenance due to strong wind gusts and direct sun exposure. Here, you will find a few tips to help you make improvements that will make your hilltop home easier to care for and keep comfortable.

Siding Replacement

If your home is sided and you are considering siding replacement, there are some products that will perform better than others. High-quality siding can be found to reduce the chances of wind damage, and reduce heat loss in the winter and increased heat in the summer.

High-wind siding is designed to withstand strong gusts – just how strong varies by product. There are different levels of protection. The level of protection your home needs should be discussed with your local siding contractor. He or she will be able to gauge the wind exposure to your home and recommend the product that will protect your home through the worst of it.

Another siding product that is very beneficial when living upon a hilltop is insulated siding. This siding looks like your average vinyl siding from the outside, but behind the vinyl is a layer of insulation that will help maintain a regulated temperature in the home without losing excess energy through the walls.

Soffit and Gutters

When you replace the siding, it is probably a good time to consider replacing the soffit and gutters. These elements of the home play an important role in protecting the home from water damage to the roof all the way to the foundation.

Those strong winds can damage gutters that are not installed properly or have been installed with weak brackets, and cause the soffit to come loose. Once this happens the water that is meant to be carried away from the home in the gutter system will begin running down the side of the home and putting the entire structure at risk of damage. Once this water damage starts, it is hard to undo the damage.

These upgrades will last years before you will even need to consider replacing them. Talk with your local contractors for assistance in learning what products are designed for protecting homes that are not well-protected by Mother Nature. Hopefully, you will find the products that your home needs to become completely efficient and prepared for the strong winds that come with winter and summer storms.

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Preparing Your Home For Renovations

When you meet with a general contractor to go over the details of your renovation, it can be easy to assume that you don't need to do anything to prepare. Unfortunately, forgetting about some of the more important prep work might cause trouble later. My blog is all about learning what to do--and what not to do--when it comes to your home renovation. In addition to teaching you great ways to prepare for a giant construction project, you might even learn ways to save, make the most of on-site decor, and endure the rigors of a lengthy project in the middle of your house.



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