4 Signs Your Roof Sustained Storm Damage And Needs Urgent Storm Damage Repair Services

Your home's roofing system is your most important defense against harsh weather elements such as rain, snow, and the sun's heat. As a result, it is one of the most vulnerable to storm damage. While you keep hoping that your roof will stand firm against the storm, there's a chance it might take a hit. Storm damage restoration contractors recommend scheduling inspections after storms to ensure you discover damage on time. This will allow you to address the damage on time and avoid expensive repairs. The following are some common signs of storm damage that require urgent repairs.

1. Missing Shingles 

Loose shingles easily get dislodged by strong winds. They might get blown to your yard, where you'll discover them after the storm wears down. You could also make it a habit to inspect your roof for small gaps that indicate lost shingles. Contact storm damage restoration contractors to replace the missing shingles. Failure to replace them creates entry points for water to seep into the inner layers of the roof and cause major leaks. Timely repairs prevent further damage to the roof and other house structures.

2. Punctures and Indentations

If a tree grows close to the roof, its loose branches may fall on it, leaving huge punctures and dents. Hail storms also leave small dents on the roof, which may crack further, exposing the inner layers of the system. You'll need to contact a restoration contractor to replace the damaged shingles to cover the punctures and limit water infiltration.

3. Ceiling Damage and Leaks

Have you noticed damp spots inside your attic, ceiling, or walls? You have a leak originating from a damaged roof. Your storm damage contractor will inspect the roof to identify the source of the leak before determining the right course of action to take. Issues such as punctures, missing shingles, and ice dams are notorious for causing leaks. Before the problem escalates into a major leak, consider seeking storm damage restoration services.

4. Property Damage

Heavy winds and storms fly debris toward your home. They may hurl broken branches and pebbles against your house. If you wake to discover broken windows, gutters, and doors, it's important not to assume that your roof escaped unscathed. Have your storm damage restoration contractor can inspect your entire house for hidden damage and address them immediately. The contractor might recommend ways to minimize the storm damage, so you don't have to incur substantial repair costs in the future.

While roofs are exceptionally durable and resilient, even the strongest will crumble under strong storms. It is important to inspect and repair your roof after a storm to enhance safety. Therefore, contact a storm damage repair service to learn more. 

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Preparing Your Home For Renovations

When you meet with a general contractor to go over the details of your renovation, it can be easy to assume that you don't need to do anything to prepare. Unfortunately, forgetting about some of the more important prep work might cause trouble later. My blog is all about learning what to do--and what not to do--when it comes to your home renovation. In addition to teaching you great ways to prepare for a giant construction project, you might even learn ways to save, make the most of on-site decor, and endure the rigors of a lengthy project in the middle of your house.



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